The Prime Minister, Members and Senators meet three Parliamentary Members from the Republic of Miramar in Parliament House Canberra.
Ministers from the Republic of Miramar meet the Prime Minister of Australia, the Hon Julia Gillard MP , 07 May 2012.
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The Prime Minister, Members and Senators meet three Parliamentary Members from the Republic of Miramar in Parliament House Canberra.
Ministers from the Republic of Miramar meet the Prime Minister of Australia, the Hon Julia Gillard MP , 07 May 2012.
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A More Liveable Capital
I welcomed the announcement by the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, the Hon Anthony Albanese MP that the Gillard Labor Government is providing $500,000 to the ACT Government as part of the Liveable Cities Program to help 'Realise the Capital' in our great city.
The media release is below.
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The media release is below.
Gillard Government Support Plan for More Liveable Capital
I’m pleased to announce that Canberra will soon be home to an innovative project showcasing the best in urban design, planning and renewal, funded as part of our efforts to make the nation’s major cities more productive, sustainable and liveable.
The Gillard Labor Government is providing $500,000 to the ACT Government for a major planning project to unlock the potential of the city’s CBD and better integrate it with public transport, residential buildings, surrounding parklands and ANU and CIT campuses.
The Canberra community will be invited to provide input into the masterplan – Realising the Capital in the City - which will become a blueprint to encourage people to visit, live and invest in the CBD.
It will support Walter Burley Griffin’s original vision for Canberra as a highly liveable city where people can participate with ease in its cultural, business and political activities.
The plan will also look at the feasibility of introducing a rapid transit system down Northbourne Avenue and the redevelopment of public housing immediately to the east and north of the CBD.
The ACT Government will work closely with the National Capital Authority to set out clear strategies for investment in the urban quality and amenity of Canberra’s city centre.
From a national perspective, this project is a great example of the kind of cooperation between governments needed to address the big challenges facing our cities such as climate change, a lack of affordable housing, traffic congestion and a growing, ageing population.
That’s why Federal Labor has ended the Commonwealth’s self-imposed, decade long exile from our major cities and is again engaging with the states and territories and local councils to bring about a much needed urban renaissance.
As one of the most urbanised societies on the planet, Australia’s future economic prosperity and social cohesion will depend largely on how successful we are at making our cities more productive, sustainable and liveable.
Realising the Capital in the City ($500,000 in program funding) is being funded as part of the Gillard Government’s Liveable Cities Program.
Federal Member for Fraser, Andrew Leigh, welcomed the announcement.
‘I believe that Canberra is the best city in Australia’, said Dr Leigh. ‘But we should always be thinking about ways of making a great city even better. With Canberra’s centenary coming up in 2013, this major planning project couldn’t be more timely.’
Trade Training Centres
I spoke in parliament this morning about the new Trade Training Centres at Francis Xavier College and Merici College.
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Trade Training Centres, 10 May 2012
The Australian government is establishing Trade Training Centres to help increase the proportion of students achieving year 12 or an equivalent qualification. Since parliament last sat it has been my pleasure to open two sites of an ACT trades training centre. The lead site of the Trade Training Centre is St Mary MacKillop College, and that was opened by the Prime Minister and Minister Garrett on 17 February 2012. It was my pleasure on 26 March to open the site at St Francis Xavier College and on 2 May to open the site at Merici College.
The site at St Francis Xavier College includes a large workshop, a machine room, a covered outdoor workshop and flexible learning areas, and works in with the Canberra Institute of Technology. I acknowledge College Captains Chloe Kelly and Nick Mahony; the Director of Catholic Education, Moira Najdecki; Archbishop Mark Coleridge; CIT's Adrian Marron; and Principal Angus Tulley.
The Merici College site includes a restaurant and a commercial kitchen. I acknowledge Principal Catherine Rey; College Captain Anne Cusack; and Spirituality Captain Danielle Farrell; the school board chair, Graeme Plenderleith; guest speaker, Callum Hann, from the Jamie Oliver cooking skills program; and Monsignor John Woods.
Saints Francis Xavier and Angela Merici were both alive 500 years ago—St Angela Merici, a teacher in Brescia, Italy; and St Francis Xavier, a missionary from Spain who travelled to India, Japan, Borneo and the Moluccas. They never met one another but I think in the stories of both of them we can learn something about the Trade Training Centres today. Like St Francis Xavier, Australian school graduates will travel the world. They will go through different careers and work in different industries, and they need to be ready for the unexpected that accompanies them. But as St Angela Merici so passionately did during her life, they need to be provided with the best quality of education. They need that sustenance that education provides to the soul and to the mind to allow them the flexibility to adapt to a changing environment.
I commend both schools on the work that they have done, in conjunction with the fourth site, St Clare's College in the electorate of Canberra. The work that these schools and the school communities are doing as part of these Trade Training Centres is essential in equipping young Canberrans for a future of change and a future in which they require all the skills that we can equip them with.
Returning to Surplus, Investing in the Future
I've spoken twice in parliament this week about the economics of the budget and the opposition's problematic costings.
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The Pro-Growth Progressive
In the latest issue of Labor Voice, I argue that progressives should like economic growth. Full text over the fold.
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The Pro-Growth Progressive: How Economic Reform Can Make Us Happier, Labor Voice, Issue 3, 2012
Andrew Leigh
As Australians, we’re used to economic growth [1]. It’s the benchmark by which governments are often judged. Yet it is easy to forget how unusual growth is in human history.
Go back a few centuries to the Victorian era and the average person was no better off than the average caveman [2]. There were a lucky few who enjoyed tea in china cups, but the true living standards of 1800 were better captured by Charles Dickens than Jane Austen.
Indeed, economic historian Greg Clark makes the point that on some measures, the vast mass of the world’s population were worse off in 1800 than their ancestors of 100,000BC. For example, Britons in the Victorian era were shorter – reflecting their poor diet and exposure to disease in childhood.
In 1800, life expectancy was around 30-35 years, pretty much what it was on the savannah. Citizens of 1800 probably worked longer hours than cavemen. From the Stone Age to the Renaissance, most people ate around 2000 calories a day, compared to the 3000 calories a day that we consume.
In fact, most of us would find it difficult to get by on 2000 calories a day, because our bodies are significantly bigger than those of our ancestors.
There’s something slightly shocking about the thought that our ancestors – just seven generations ago – experienced stone-age living conditions. For them, it was normal to go to bed hungry. Everyone knew someone who had lost a baby in childbirth – sometimes with the loss of the mother too. Illness was normal and uncontrollable.
There was simplicity in a world without economic growth. An artisan would engrave his prices on the stone wall of his workshop, knowing that his son would be charging the same. Life for most was, as Thomas Hobbes famously put it, ‘nasty, brutish and short’.
Then – beginning in a little island off the coast of Europe – something changed. With the industrial revolution, people began to experience rising living standards. Average income tripled from 70 cents
per person per day in 1800 to $2.30 by 1900. In the 20th century, average incomes worldwide rose tenfold to $22 per person per day [3].
That transformation had immediate effects on people’s health. A person born in 1900 could expect to live to 40. By 2000, babies born in a developed nation could expect to live until their 70s.
People aren’t just living longer – we’re living healthier. A survey of elderly veterans in the US found that in 1910, nearly all were suffering from digestive disorders. By the end of the 20th century, just one-fifth suffered from digestive disorders.
Underpining economic growth has been a massive rise in productivity. Workers today create more value in an hour than their predecessors. A century ago, it took 1700 hours of work to buy a year’s food supply for a family. Working a typical week, that’s 10 months’ labour. Today, a family’s food supply takes a month and a half of work.
That’s true of other products too. Since the late 19th century, the number of working hours to buy various products has dropped dramatically. It used to take 260 hours of work to buy a bicycle – now it takes seven hours. It used to take two hours of work to buy a dozen oranges – now it takes six minutes. Not surprisingly, that’s meant an increase in the number of leisure hours: from two hours a day in the late 19th century to six hours a day now.
The Easterlin Paradox
If you had to name one central fact to characterise the past two centuries, it would be income growth. It has made us healthier and allowed us to enjoy more leisure. It has lengthened our lives and allowed us to
be more generous.
Yet some now argue that economic growth has gone too far. In Growth Fetish, Clive Hamilton argued that once a society has developed to the point at which the majority of people live reasonably comfortably, the pursuit of growth is pointless and should be curtailed. Internationally, books like Tim Jackson’s Prosperity Without Growth became bestsellers.
“If anything, money seems to buy more satisfaction as you get richer.”
At the core of many of the anti-growth arguments was the contention that once incomes reach a certain threshold, more money doesn’t buy more happiness. The person most closely associated with this idea is Richard Easterlin, who wrote a famous article in 1974 that looked at the relationship between Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and happiness across nine countries. Easterlin found that there was no statistically significant relationship, and concluded that across countries, money didn’t buy happiness. The relationship became known as the ‘Easterlin Paradox’. His article has since been cited over 2000 times, and has become one of the most famous ideas in the social sciences.
A few years ago, a pair of economists at the University of Pennsylvania – Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers – decided to revisit the Easterlin Paradox [4]. But rather than using data for just nine countries, they exploited the fact that we now have more happiness surveys. A lot more.
The centrepiece of Stevenson and Wolfers’ analysis is a massive 2006 survey, in which Gallup asked nearly 140,000 people in 131 countries about their life satisfaction. Across those countries, the relationship between satisfaction and GDP is almost perfectly linear. There is no evidence of satiation. If anything, money seems to buy more satisfaction as you get richer. When we move from nine countries to 131 countries, the Easterlin Paradox simply doesn’t hold up.
Interestingly, money doesn’t just buy more happiness. In countries with higher levels of GDP per capita, people are more likely to say they experienced enjoyment, and more likely to say they were pleased at having accomplished something. People in affluent nations are less likely to have experienced physical pain, loneliness depression and boredom. Indeed, people in richer countries are more likely to tell an interviewer that they experienced love in the previous day. That’s right, Paul McCartney, money can buy you love.
Environmental Concerns
A popular belief is that economic growth and environmental damage go hand in hand. This concern comes in two forms – some people argue that we will use too many inputs (like natural resources), while others argue that we will produce too many outputs (like pollution).
The view that our economy will eventually use up all the stuff in the world is based on a static view about where our GDP comes from. If it were the case that all workers produced goods requiring non-renewables and if we never became any more efficient at producing those goods, then rising incomes and population would eventually use up all the world’s resources.
But it turns out that neither of these things are true. Most workers don’t produce goods from nonrenewables. In fact, three-quarters of Australians work in the service sector. For detectives and doctors, barristers and baristas, the product of their jobs doesn’t weigh much, leading some to dub the phenomenon ‘the weightless world’ of work. In fact, the entire output of the United States weighs only marginally more today than it did a century ago [5]. There are more Americans, and they’re much better off than their great-grandparents – but the product of the country isn’t getting much weightier.
Productivity too, is always increasing. Today’s cars use less fuel. Our computers use less electricity. And, thanks to recycling, our paper uses fewer trees. Our economy is also shifting from one resource base to another, a phenomenon that economist Paul Collier characterises (not very reassuringly) as ‘running across ice floes’ [6]. In the nineteenth century, the British government worried that it was going to run out of tall trees for the masts of ships. We will probably look back at arguments about ‘peak oil’ in the same way [7].
The other environmental concern about growth is that people say it leads to more pollution. Here, the best example is urban air pollution. In the 1950s and 1960s, people became concerned that growth would inexorably choke cities like London and New York. Yet through cleaner cars, cleaner factories, and by shifting industrial pollution away from the largest urban areas, we have managed to reduce urban air pollution while still enjoying economic growth [8].
Today, our major environmental challenge is climate change. Here again, I am optimistic that we can decouple growth from carbon pollution, in the same way as we successfully did with urban air pollution and with the CFCs that were damaging the ozone layer. I do not believe that the best way to deal with climate change is by abandoning economic growth. Indeed, I think that growth will help us address dangerous climate change, since higher incomes will provide more resources to assist with the transition.
An Imperfect Measure
One of the curious things about economic growth is that while it closely tracks many of the things that we care about – such as health, longevity and love – it is far from being a perfect measure of wellbeing. Indeed, growth in Australia’s GDP (or our Gross National Income or Gross National Product, if you prefer) captures some things that we would think of as bad, and fails to capture other things that most of us would regard as good.
Robert Kennedy put this best in a speech at the University of Kansas, less than three months before he was tragically shot [9]:
‘Our Gross National Product … counts air pollution and cigarette advertising, and ambulances to clear our highways of carnage. It counts special locks for our doors and the jails for the people who break them. It counts the destruction of the redwood and the loss of our natural wonder in chaotic sprawl. It counts napalm and counts nuclear warheads and armored cars for the police to fight the riots in our cities. It counts Whitman’s rifle and Speck’s knife, and the television programs which glorify violence in order to sell toys to our children. Yet the gross national product does not allow for the health of our children, the quality of their education or the joy of their play. It does not include the beauty of our poetry or the strength of our marriages, the intelligence of our public debate or the integrity of our public officials.’
More recently, Australian economist John Quiggin has argued that there are three things wrong with GDP as a measure of a nation’s economic wellbeing: ‘it’s Gross (doesn’t net out depreciation of physical or natural capital), Domestic (doesn’t net out income paid overseas) and a Product (takes no account of labour input)’ [10].
GDP per person also has the problem that it’s just an average. To see this, let’s suppose that you’re having a drink at your favourite pub, with another eight of your friends. Now, let’s imagine that Australia’s richest person, Gina Rinehart, pops by in her fluoro vest for a drink. According to the most recent BRW Rich List, Rinehart is worth over $10 billion. So if we just look at averages, the average wealth per person in the pub is $1 billion. But, alas, that doesn’t make you a billionaire.
The same problem occurs if economic growth goes only to the richest. In Australia, recent decades have seen an increase in inequality, but that doesn’t change the fact that incomes have risen across the distribution. According the OECD, the past quarter-century has seen incomes for the richest tenth grow by an average of 4.5 percent per year [11]. For the poorest tenth of Australian households, incomes grew at 3 percent per year. Australia’s experience contrasts with the United States, where incomes for the bottom tenth have barely budged in a generation. But it does highlight the importance of talking about both growth and inequality.
Boosting Growth
By now, you’ve probably guessed my secret: I think growth is good. As Winston Churchill said of democracy, it’s not perfect – merely better than all the alternatives. The challenge now is to find the set of policies that are best for promoting economic growth.
In the long-run, the key to boosting growth is raising productivity – producing more with the same set of inputs. During the 1980s and 1990s, tariff cuts, competition policy and enterprise bargaining were among the underpinnings of productivity growth, but what is the answer to the modern productivity puzzle?
In my view, the best productivity policy we can pursue today is to improve our education system. Raising the skill level of the workforce is essential if we are to adapt to changes in the labour market.
We need to raise the quantity of education – boosting the average number of years of schooling that each person receives. That means encouraging young people to complete high school, undertake vocational training and go to university.
We also need raise the quality of Australian education. Reforming schools is contentious, but the evidence points clearly towards the benefits of school accountability. The MySchool 2.0 website – which includes value-added data and school financial information – will play a significant role in driving change. Another reform that will improve educational outcomes and boost productivity is improving the salary structure of teachers. We need a salary structure that encourages the most talented young people to become teachers, and creates incentives for high-performing teachers to be recognised for their achievements.
Getting education right isn’t just good for our economy, it’s also great social policy. A first-rate education is the best anti-poverty vaccine we’ve yet devised.
Education is also good for civic activism. A bit more school, some vocational education or a few years at university are all factors that help make you more likely to join organisations, volunteer at the local sports club, or donate money to a worthy cause. This is music to the ears of someone like me, who cares passionately about strengthening community life.
Another crucial element to the productivity puzzle is technology. As recently as the early-1900s, American jurist Oliver Wendell Holmes quipped that if all the medicines in the world were dumped into the ocean, it would be better for humanity and worse for the fish [12]. A century on, medical advances have vanquished diseases like smallpox, polio and tuberculosis from the developed world. Our emergency departments are considerably better at saving critically injured patients. And in mental health, we are steadily doing better at diagnosing and treating mental illness as soon as it appears.
Maintaining the rate of technological growth in Australia is vital to improving our living standards. That means we need to continue to innovate here, but it also means we need to take up the best ideas from overseas. As a small open economy, it will always be the case that most of the new technologies that boost our productivity are invented overseas. In that sense, open markets are the best innovation policy we can devise.
No place for complacency
There’s an old joke that goes:
Q: How many conservative economists does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None. The darkness will cause the light bulb to change by itself.
While economic growth tends to benefit all Australians, you should not mistake my belief in the benefits of growth with complacency about the need for government to help build a better Australia. Unlike the conservative economist in the joke, I do not believe that markets can solve all problems. Government has an important role to play in providing public investments and managing risks. But it should also promote pro-growth policies, since growth tends to raise wellbeing.
Economic growth makes us happier, and it need not leave us with a dirtier environment. Indeed, the example of the past shows that we can use the resources from growth to improve our natural surroundings. Sometimes the changes come in unexpected ways. In the early 20th century, some Londoners worried that there would soon be so many horses plying the streets that the manure would become unmanageable. With the advent of the motor car, worries about exhaust fumes quickly replaced concerns about horse manure.
Australia today is in a far better position than most developed nations. Many have double-digit unemployment. Some have debt loads that exceed their annual incomes, and are heavily constrained in their policy choices by the absolute priority of paying off debt. By contrast, Australia has the ability to easily satisfy our creditors and make long-term investments.
Globally, Australia’s geographic position could hardly be better. At the start of the Asian Century, our proximity to fast-growing nations such as China, Malaysia, Vietnam and Korea will prove vital not only for goods trade, but also because it will allow us to plug in to global growth in other ways as well. Thousands of foreign-born students now study in our universities, while many Australianborn students take the chance to complete all or part of their education in an Asian university.
Great fundamentals place the onus on us to do something special. With the right policies and effective leadership, we can lay the foundations for continued productivity growth, ensuring that future generations enjoy steady improvements in living standards. We can make schools and hospitals work even better, providing the building blocks of a happy and healthy life. We can improve trust in politics, engaging with voters about the tradeoffs that are at the heart of decision-making. We can continue to close the gaps between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians, applying hard-headed analysis to find out what works, and what does not. Through trade, aid and diplomacy, we can help improve the lives of many in our region.
Ours is an optimistic future, and I am confident that economic growth will be part of Australia’s continued success.
[1] This article draws on a speech delivered at one of my community forums, held at Ginninderra Labor Club, Charnwood on 18 May 2011. The first half of my title is shamelessly stolen from Gene Sperling, The Pro-Growth Progressive: An Economic Strategy for Shared Prosperity, Simon & Schuster, New York, 2006. I am grateful to Nick Terrell for valuable comments on an earlier draft.
[2] Gregory Clark, A Farewell to Alms: A Brief Economic History of the World, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2007
[3] Arnold Kling and Nick Schultz, From Poverty to Prosperity: Intangible Assets, Hidden Liabilities, and the Lasting Triumph Over Scarcity, Encounter Books, New York, 2009, p.26
[4] Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers (2008) “Economic Growth and Happiness: Reassessing the Easterlin Paradox”, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity. See also work by Angus Deaton and Alan Krueger, which reaches the same conclusion.
[5] Arnold Kling and Nick Schultz, From Poverty to Prosperity: Intangible Assets, Hidden Liabilities, and the Lasting Triumph Over Scarcity, Encounter Books, New York, 2009
[6] Paul Collier, The Plundered Planet: Why We Must – and How We Can – Manage Nature for Global Prosperity, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2010, p.98. Our ethical obligation with natural resources, Collier argues, is to bequeath future generations assets of equal value to the natural resources we use. We are not obliged to preserve the world as a museum, but we are ‘custodians of their value’. In the mid-nineteenth century, a generation of prospectors who mined Victoria’s gold and left us with Melbourne’s wide streets and magnificent buildings. We look upon them more fondly than if they had sold the gold and left our generation nothing in return.
[7] On peak oil, see Michael Lynch, ‘Peak Oil Is a Waste of Energy’, New York Times, 24 August 2009.
[8] Economists refer to this tendency of environmental outcomes to worsen and then improve as the ‘environmental Kuznets curve’.
[9] Remarks of Robert F. Kennedy at the University of Kansas, March 18, 1968
[10] John Quiggin, ‘Is Happiness Gross?’, 7 August 2006,
[11] OECD, Growing Income Inequality in OECD Countries: What Drives it and How Can Policy Tackle it? Forum, Paris, 2 May 2011
[12] Quoted in Robert Guest, The Shackled Continent: Power, Corruption, and African Lives, Smithsonian Books, Washington, 2004, p.200
Sky AM Agenda - 10 May 2012
On Sky AM Agenda today, I spoke with host Kieran Gilbert and Liberal MP Kelly O'Dwyer about the return to surplus, the need for the Opposition budget reply to put forward some real policy, Peter Costello's mooted comeback, and same-sex marriage.
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Healthy Workers, Productive Firms
With Chief Minister Katy Gallagher, I launched the ACT Healthier Work service today. Here's our joint press release.
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Healthy workers make healthy businesses
7 May 2012
ACT Chief Minister and Minister for Health Katy Gallagher MLA, together with Federal Member for Fraser Andrew Leigh MP, today launched a new one-stop shop for workplaces wanting advice on developing and implementing health and wellbeing programs.
Commenting on the launch of the new WorkSafe ACT Healthier Work service, the Chief Minister said healthier workplaces made good business and health sense.
“Given the amount of time most adults spend working, it makes sense to focus on promoting health and wellbeing in the workplace,” the Chief Minister said.
“The ACT is not alone in witnessing a significant increase in the burden of chronic disease. Tobacco smoking, the misuse of alcohol, poor nutrition, physical inactivity and obesity are the main risk factors.
“It also makes good business sense for workplaces to invest in the health and wellbeing of their employees, with research indicating that unhealthy workers have up to nine times the annual sickness absence of healthy workers.
“Healthier employees are likely to be more productive, more engaged in their work, take less sick leave, and have higher energy and concentration levels.
“Healthier Work will assist all ACT workplaces to implement health and wellbeing programs through a range of supportive resources including a website, case studies, tools, a ‘how to guide’, training and employer support mechanisms, as well as advice for workers,” the Chief Minister concluded.
Healthier Work forms part of a joint Australian and Territory government initiative under the National Partnership Agreement on Preventive Health, Healthy Workers Initiative, which is committed to reducing the risk of chronic disease.
“The Australian Government supports this partnership because we know that making our workplaces healthier is an important part of the fight against chronic disease,” Mr Leigh said.
Information about Healthier Work can be found at
National Volunteer Week
My Chronicle column this month is on some of the extraordinary volunteers in the Canberra community.
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Volunteers Appreciated, The Chronicle, 1 May 2012
Last year, a friend of mine was in Canberra Hospital for cancer treatment. When I asked him how it was going, his first response was to talk about the Hand and Foot massage volunteers that came to see him. ‘It’s not just that they massage my smelly feet’, he quipped. ‘But they stand there telling jokes too. It makes my treatment more bearable.’
Peter passed away in January, aged just 27. His description of volunteering stays with me. As the federal MP for the northside of Canberra, barely a day goes by when I don’t meet another inspiring group of volunteers.
In my own suburb of Hackett, the Holy Cross church just celebrated the anniversary of their ‘Tuckerbox’, where volunteers now provide discounted groceries to over 300 families every week. Reverend Erica Mathieson described to me how the church community established the Tuckerbox because they saw it as an unmet need in the community; a way of helping others.
In Page, the Vietnam Veterans & Veterans Federation ACT are helping returned veterans with their claims, operating a food van at community events, and even running classes on how to cook healthy food. When I visited for their graduation, 66 year-old Danny Burton told the story of how the classes had given him the self-confidence in the kitchen to take over cooking for his partner, who has fallen ill.
Another organisation that only survives thanks to volunteer efforts is the Girl Guides. At EPIC in Mitchell, the Guides last month held their national jamboree, with more than 550 Guides learning leadership and outdoor skills. At a morning tea, youth leader Sam Chenney told a group of us that signing her up for the Guides was the best decision her mum ever made. Sam told the story of going on a trip with her boyfriend where they had to rope down 100 metres into a canyon. She said she couldn’t believe it when he said he’d never abseiled before; Sam had been abseiling for years in the Guides.
Volunteers also help with community arts. With Belconnen Arts Centre, I recently produced a map of Canberrans’ favourite northside places. ‘Mapping the Northside’ would not have been possible without the hard work of volunteer Alyssa Hardy, who worked alongside the Centre’s staff to uncover the many hidden gems of north Canberra.
Volunteering isn’t just good for the recipients. As Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, ‘The only reward of virtue is virtue; the only way to have a friend is to be a friend.’ In his book The Meaning of Friendship, philosopher Mark Vernon writes about civic friendship, the notion that democracy works best when we look out for others. By volunteering to help others, we’re building a stronger society.
This year, 14-20 May marks National Volunteer Week, to celebrate our existing volunteers and encourage new recruits. If you’d like to offer a helping hand, go to, where you can find the volunteering opportunity that’s right for you.
Andrew Leigh is the federal member for Fraser, and his website is
Talking public finance on Sky with Arthur Sinodinos
On Sky's Lunchtime Agenda program, I joined host David Lipson and Liberal Senator Arthur Sinodinos to discuss how a budget surplus puts downward pressure on interest rates, and why a National Disability Insurance Scheme is a higher priority than tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires.