
Caught in the Middle - how market concentration hurts farmers - Speech


I acknowledge the Ngunnawal people, on whose traditional lands we meet, and pay respect to all First Nations people here today.

Economist John Crawford started his public service career in the 1940s working under Nugget Coombs in the Department of Post-War Reconstruction (Miller 2007, Uhr 2006).

After taking a strong interest in agriculture, tariffs and trade in his academic studies, Crawford became the director of the Department’s rural and regional planning divisions (Powell & Macintyre 2015).

Those planning divisions evolved into the Bureau of Agricultural Economics which would serve as the Commonwealth agency responsible for examining proposals for settling returned soldiers on productive farms.

With Crawford as the inaugural director, the Bureau would assess ‘the suitability of climate and soil, the adequacy of the farm areas and likely economic viability of the farms’ (Powell & Macintyre 2015).

It was a significant task because no one wanted to repeat the costly mistakes of the 1920s where nearly 12,000 soldier settlers abandoned their farms within a few years.

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2CC with Leon Delaney - 24 October - Transcript

SUBJECTS: Food and Grocery Code Supplier Survey; ACCC action against Coles and Woolworths; Scams; Royal visit; ACT election result 

LEON DELANEY, HOST: The Federal Government is encouraging businesses that supply stock to major supermarkets to submit feedback to the 2024 annual Food and Grocery Code Independent Reviewer Survey. To tell us what's going on, Assistant Minister for Competition, Charities and Treasury and Employment, and of course, our local member here in the seat of Fenner, Dr Andrew Leigh. Good afternoon.

ANDREW LEIGH: Good afternoon, Leon. Great to be with you.

DELANEY: Well, thanks for joining us today. So, what's going on with this independent survey?

LEIGH. The Food and Grocery Code of Conduct governs the relationship between the big supermarkets and their suppliers. We've known that big supermarkets can squeeze their consumers, but also that suppliers can be put on the hook. When there's only a couple of supermarkets and a lot of suppliers, then there's a significant power imbalance. So, Labor has announced that the Food and Grocery Code of Conduct will be made mandatory, with significant penalties for breaching it. As part of that, we're now reaching out to suppliers and saying, give us your feedback on how your relationship has been with the supermarkets in order to feed into the process.

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Appointment – Associate Member of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission - Media Release

The Albanese Government has today reappointed Ms Nerida O’Loughlin PSM as a part-time associate member of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.

Ms O’Loughlin is the Chair of the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) and has been reappointed as an ACCC associate member until 13 October 2027.

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Data Driven Decisions: the case for randomised policy trials - Opinion Piece

In medicine, randomised trials are commonly used for evaluating effectiveness. When a new pharmaceutical is being tested, half the recipients will get the true treatment, while half will get a placebo. By tossing a coin to decide whether a person gets the treatment or the placebo, we can be confident that any observed differences are due to the real effect of the drug.

Increasingly, randomised trials are being used by governments and businesses too. Randomised trials of policing strategies have shown that hot spots policing reduces crime. A randomised trial found that when people in India were given a financial incentive to get their licence earlier, they were more likely to bribe the tester.  A randomised trial in Mexico found that road upgrades boost property prices and reduce poverty. A randomised trial with airline pilots found that providing feedback on fuel use led captains to be more economical, saving the airline a million litres of fuel.

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ABC Canberra Drive with Ross Solly - 16 October - Transcript

TOPICS: Housing; banning unfair trading practices; card surcharging         

ROSS SOLLY, HOST: Dr Andrew Leigh, the member for Fenner, is also the Assistant Minister of Competition and joins us on the ABC Canberra Drive show. Dr Leigh, thanks for joining us.

ANDREW LEIGH: Pleasure Ross, great to be with you.

SOLLY: Just before we talk about that, you heard in the PM promo there, there's been some argy-bargy, some talk today about Anthony Albanese's decision to spend over $4 million on this beach house. Now, I think fair, look, whatever, you know, people work hard and how they spend their money is their business. But do you think it's a good look at this particular time, Andrew Leigh, for Anthony Albanese to be splashing out over 4 million on this beach house?

LEIGH: Well, the Prime Minister's gotten engaged to Jodie, who's a Coastie. There's no secret that she comes from that neck of the woods and has been there for three generations. I think it's appropriate that if he wants to look at having a place on the Coast so Jodie can be close to her family, then that's reasonable. In terms of what we're doing in order to make it easier for people to get into the housing market…

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5AA Mornings with Matthew Pantelis - Transcript

SUBJECTS: Card surcharges; Supermarket competition

MATTHEW PANTELIS, HOST: It is quarter to ten on 5AA. The Federal Government's promising to crack down on card surcharges over the next couple of years and these changes proposed won't take effect until January 1st, 2026. So, in about 15 or so months. We've been losing nearly a billion dollars in surcharges a year as we increasingly pay with tap and go. Some suggest the figure could be as high in surcharges as $4 billion raked in through the use of cards.

Well, that needs to stop. The competition charities, treasury assistant Minister is Dr. Andrew Leigh, and he joins me now. Andrew, good morning.

ANDREW LEIGH: Good morning, Matthew. Great to be with you.

PANTELIS: So, this is important to tackle, isn't it? I mean, it's basically just the icing on the cake that you don't necessarily notice in a transaction where you're told this will be $5.80 for that cup of coffee, check the credit card receipt later. It turns out it was $5.87 because it's a surcharge.

LEIGH: Card surcharges are sand in the gears of the modern economy. We all just find it annoying when we think we know what the price is and then suddenly find a surcharge being slapped on top of it. And small businesses hate them because they find themselves paying a bigger surcharge often than the big companies. So, it's putting small businesses at a competitive disadvantage.

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2CC Breakfast with Stephen Cenatiempo - Transcript

TOPICS: Social media comments by ACT Greens candidate; Middle East conflicts; Live Nation; Non-compete clauses

STEPHEN CENATIEMPO, HOST: Time to talk federal politics with the Assistant Minister for Competition, Charities and Treasury and the Member for Fenner, Andrew Leigh. Andrew, if this was a Labor or Liberal candidate, it just wouldn't be tolerated.

ANDREW LEIGH: I think that's right. I haven't seen the comments directly, but I think the Greens certainly need to answer for all of their candidates.

CENATIEMPO: I just want to, it's extraordinary that we've gotten to a point in Australia now where, you know, we used to have robust discussion and you know, Question Time was always lively and animated and there was always robust disagreement between the major parties. But we seem to have these fringe elements coming into our body politic now that are just dragging the level down to something that we've never seen before.

LEIGH: We find it very hard as the Labor Party in Parliament when we have the Greens agitating alongside people who are vandalising the electorate offices of Labor MPs. And then on the other side of us we've got the Coalition who are more extreme than our ally, the United States. Our Labor government has signed on to a joint statement with the UK, the US, Canada and New Zealand calling for a ceasefire and the Coalition won't support that. So hard to be a centrist in Parliament.

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Ripples of influence - Address to the Aspen Medical Foundation - Speech

I acknowledge the Ngunnawal people, on whose traditional lands we meet, and pay respect to all First Nations people here today.

Thank you to Glenn Keys and his team for the invitation to address you and launch Aspen Medical Foundation’s first annual report.

Some starting presumptions. If you’re here today, it is highly probable you’re a friend to the Foundation, perhaps as a contributor to its initiatives, or as a beneficiary of them.

I will also presume you appreciate the role played by smart, innovative philanthropy in modern society.

The role of reimagining what’s possible.

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Albanese good for growth in the west - Opinion Piece

Joint opinion piece with Senator the Hon Varun Ghosh

The most recent growth statistics showed that the Australian economy faces some strong headwinds. In an environment where global growth is subdued, the national economy grew just 0.2 per cent in the June 2024 quarter. Yet Western Australia’s growth was considerably faster. With a quarterly growth rate of 0.9 per cent, Western Australia tied with South Australia as the fastest‑growing state in the nation.

There are other positive signs. Investment in WA continues to grow, reflecting business confidence in WA’s future. In the past financial year, the value of new capital expenditure in Western Australia rose 18.5 per cent in the mining industry and 16.9 per cent in non‑mining industries. This new investment accounts for nearly a quarter of Australia’s new private investment, showing that WA continues to punch above its weight.

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Historic reforms for a more competitive economy enter Parliament - Media Release

Joint media release with The Hon Jim Chalmers MP | Treasurer

Today the Government will introduce landmark reforms to Parliament to overhaul Australia’s merger rules, another big step towards further boosting competition and productivity in our economy.

This legislative package is the biggest reform to Australia’s merger settings in almost 50 years.

It will create a regime that more efficiently and effectively targets mergers that are anti‑competitive, while allowing mergers that are pro‑competitive to proceed faster.

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Cnr Gungahlin Pl and Efkarpidis Street, Gungahlin ACT 2912 | 02 6247 4396 | [email protected] | Authorised by A. Leigh MP, Australian Labor Party (ACT Branch), Canberra.