Listening to Australia's Charities - Media Release


Over the coming weeks, I will hold a series of town hall meetings to meet with charity sector representatives, and continue Australia’s largest-ever charity consultation.

The Australian Government values the expertise and the contributions of the charity and non-profit sector, which constitutes almost one-tenth of the economy, and over one-tenth of employment.

In the wake of the disconnection crisis, the pandemic and the Coalition’s war on charities, Australia’s charities and non-profits need support to continue their essential work in building stronger, fairer communities.

Shortly after the Albanese Government came to office, I conducted the largest charity consultation in Australian history, hosting town hall meetings in every state and territory capital city and online.

This year, I have held further charity sector town hall meetings in Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide and Launceston. The purpose of these meetings is to share ideas on how we can rebuild community trust and engagement, and to reinforce the Albanese Government’s commitment to partner with the sector to build a more connected Australia. 

These upcoming town hall meetings will be my 15th, 16th and 17th charity town hall meetings since the Albanese Government came to office.

This consultation builds on the work that our government is already doing with the charity sector which includes:

  • initiating a once-in-a-generation Productivity Commission review of philanthropy, to help meet our goal to double philanthropy by 2030
  • starting work on a Blueprint for strengthening the capacity and capability of Australian charities
  • appointing a new head of the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC), and a new advisory board
  • continuing to work with states and territories to harmonise charitable fundraising laws
  • streamlining the process by which charities receive deductible gift recipient status;
  • modernising the law to allow the ACNC to discuss ongoing investigations where this is necessary to maintain trust and confidence in the sector.

All charity sector representatives are invited to attend these town hall conversations.

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Cnr Gungahlin Pl and Efkarpidis Street, Gungahlin ACT 2912 | 02 6247 4396 | [email protected] | Authorised by A. Leigh MP, Australian Labor Party (ACT Branch), Canberra.