Electric Cars
I have an opinion piece in the Canberra Times today on the benefits of electric cars.
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Driving a clean, green future, Canberra Times, 3 April 2012
Last month another charge spot was added to Canberra’s growing charge network. In addition to their charge locations at the Belconnen Markets, National Convention Centre, and Crowne Plaza, Better Place opened a new spot at the Novotel Hotel on Northbourne Avenue. Across the ACT there are now 14 charge spot locations.
Electric cars have the potential to benefit Australia’s economy, health and environment. With global oil prices steadily creeping upwards (due to growing demand in China and other emerging economies), average Australians are now paying over $1.40 per litre for unleaded petrol.
Petrol-consuming passenger vehicles account for nearly half of Australia’s liquid fuel consumption. Hybrid and electric cars offer the chance to reduce our dependence on the global oil market.
Using current national electricity generation methods, producing electricity for travel in hybrid and electric cars releases less greenhouse gas emissions than combustion in petrol cars. This is true even if the electricity is produced using ‘dirty’ technology. For example, an electric car powered by electricity from a coal fired power station emits less greenhouse gas than a petrol car.
If the electricity comes from renewables, we can do even better. In 2010, Australia generated 15,000 gigawatt hours of renewable energy, sufficient to supply a fleet of five million electric cars without any ‘well to wheel’ greenhouse gas emissions. The Australian government is committed to generating 20 per cent of Australia’s electricity from renewable sources by 2020, which equates to 45,000 gigawatt hours of renewable energy annually. That’s enough to supply an entire national electric car fleet with zero greenhouse gas emissions.
The health benefits of electric cars are also significant. Unlike petrol vehicles, electric cars have no tailpipe emissions, only pre-combustion emissions. Unlike those from petrol vehicles, these include virtually no carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons or particulate matter emissions and only a quarter of the nitrogen oxides released by petrol vehicles. The total reduction of air pollutants in electric vehicles’ emissions compared to petrol vehicles’ emissions ranges between 10 and 20 grams per kilometre.
Electric vehicles also require less maintenance, as they have 70 per cent fewer moving and consumable parts. This is estimated to halve maintenance costs over a ten year period.
Research from RMIT finds that electric cars require 20 per cent less lifecycle energy and associated greenhouse gas emissions than petrol vehicles. Indeed, because they’re so cheap to run and maintain, the only risk that I can see being posed by electric cars is that they could encourage more people to commute by car, thereby increasing traffic congestion.
One of the great advantages of electric cars comes because the wholesale cost of electricity varies dramatically over the course of a day. Electric cars can take advantage of this by charging when electricity is cheapest (and putting power back into the grid when it is most expensive). This minimises the impact of electric cars on the energy infrastructure and allows them to collect and store up to seven kilowatts of energy, generated in times of low electricity demand, which would otherwise be wasted. A car can then later return any surplus energy to the grid in periods of high demand to power the community or other cars that require immediate charging, greatly reducing the demand for additional energy generation.
By capturing, saving and returning excess energy to the grid, electric cars are a neat complement to energy production sources like wind generation. On one estimate, each electric car could enable the retention of 43 megawatt hours of renewable wind energy annually. Because each electric vehicle would require only 2.7 megawatt hours of electricity to recharge over a year, this means that each car is effectively saving 40 megawatt hours of energy that would otherwise be lost. This means that a fleet of one million electric vehicles would allow us to achieve the 45,000 gigawatt hours of renewable energy required by the national Renewable Energy Target.
With the charging network now in operation, having more electric cars in Canberra offers us an opportunity to save money, increase the health of our community, and decrease car maintenance costs. By reducing Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions, we have the opportunity to charge towards a new cleaner, healthier and more sustainable future. Now that’s the kind of change we’re driving towards.
Andrew Leigh is the Federal Member for Fraser, and his website is www.andrewleigh.com.
Local Sporting Champions
I had the pleasure of identifying local junior sporting champions to receive $500 (individuals) or $3000 (teams) grants towards their competing in state and national competions outside of the ACT. Bronson Harrison from the Canberra Raiders assisted me and commented on the high standard of local junior athletes.
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Teamwork and Healthcare
Here's my speech from this morning, officially opening the Allied Health Professions Australia national conference on behalf of Health Minister Tanya Plibersek. My focus was on how we often place too much emphasis on individual, and not enough on teams. It's a theme that doesn't just apply to healthcare.
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‘Teamwork and Healthcare: The Role of Allied Health Professions’
Speech to Allied Health Professions Australia (AHPA) ConferenceAndrew Leigh
Federal Member for Fraser
www.andrewleigh.comRealm Hotel, Canberra
2 April 2012
[Acknowledgements omitted]
Let me start with a story.
In 1999, a three-year old girl was out walking with her parents in a small Austrian town of Klagenfurt.[1] They lost sight of her for a moment, and she fell into an icy fishpond. Her parents jumped in after her, but it was 30 minutes before they found her on the bottom of the pond.
Following instructions from an emergency team they called on their mobile phone, they performed CPR and called rescue personnel, who flew her by helicopter to the nearest hospital, performing CPR all the way. On arrival, she had no blood pressure, no pulse and no breathing. Her body temperature was 19 degrees.
As quickly as they could, the team connected the girl to a heart-lung bypass machine. By the time it started to pump oxygenated blood to her body, she had been lifeless for 90 minutes. After 6 hours, her body temperature was normal, but there was too much water in her lungs to use a mechanical ventilator. So they switched her to an artificial lung system called ECMO – extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. This involved opening her chest with a power saw, and sewing the lines directly into her heart. With her chest still open, the intensive care team worked on removing pond water and debris from her lungs with a fibreoptic broncoscope.
Over the next two days, the girl’s major organs recovered. But they were worried about her brain. There was global swelling, but no dead zones. So they drilled a hole into the girl’s skull, inserted a probe to monitor the pressure, and slowly adjusted her fluids and medications until it returned to normal.
After a week, the girl began to breathe on her own. Soon after, she woke up. Two weeks after being admitted to hospital, she went home. She still had some paralysis in her arm and leg, and her speech was slurred. But with extensive therapy, she had made a full recovery by age 5.
In his book The Checklist Manifesto, medical writer Atul Gawande points out how extraordinarily complicated the girl’s rescue was. To save one child, scores of people have to keep lines sterile, replace batteries, keep air bubbles out of the heart, and engage in painstaking occupational therapy. Yet a small Austrian hospital was able to save a girl who had lain at the bottom of a pond for half an hour. They did it not because of one great surgeon (as you might on TV), but because they recognised the need for all the parts of the medical system to work together.
In the years before this girl had come in, the hospital in Klagenfurt had tried to treat 3-5 patients a year who were suffering from cardiac arrest. But no matter how hard they tried, something seemed to fail. They often found a key person or action missing. It was only when the hospital instituted a checklist, which set out all the key actions and people required, that they began to save lives.
As allied health professionals, you know in your bones the value of teamwork. I believe we – the Australian Government and the allied health professions – share the same objectives for Australia’s health system.
The theme of your conference, ‘Strengthening Health Outcomes’ speaks to the challenges facing Australia’s health system, and the opportunities to work together to help Australians live longer and healthier lives.
- We want the best-quality health care delivered to Australians when and where they need it.
- We want to build the capacity of the health workforce and system.
- And we want health reforms to be sustainable.
Current pressures on the health system
As the Australian population ages, we are looking at an alarming and growing list of complex and chronic illnesses.
With advances in systems and technology, Australians also expect more of our health system.
We need to help and encourage Australians to manage their own health to a greater extent than ever before.
We want to keep them healthy as long as possible and out of hospital care by boosting their long-term health outlook and general wellbeing.
These pressures were key factors in the most far-reaching and systematic review of our health system – through the National Health and Hospitals Reform Commission, the Preventive Health Taskforce and development of the National Primary Health Care Strategy.
Current Medicare support and other support for allied health
The Australian Government is committed to building a stronger primary health care system which values the role of allied health care providers.
Medicare rebates for allied health services are available to: patients who have a chronic or terminal medical condition and complex care needs requiring multidisciplinary care, and who are managed under the relevant Chronic Disease Management (CDM) care planning items; and to Indigenous patients who have had a health assessment.
These items enable GPs to plan and coordinate the health care of patients with chronic or terminal medical conditions, and where necessary, refer patients for allied health services under Medicare. That’s the system working collaboratively.
Last year, more than 7 million services were provided through the CDM and associated allied health items. That’s one service every
3 seconds.
These Medicare services were introduced to complement services provided by state and territory governments, and to increase access to private allied health services.
The Australian Government also supports access to allied health services by subsidising private health insurance premiums and through targeted programs such as the Rural Primary Health Services Program.
The Government will continue to provide ongoing support to train, educate and retain our allied health workforce.
The new health environment & allied health
But we also want to make important changes.
We want to see more effective care - outside of hospital where appropriate - focussing on preventing disease and modifying lifestyle.
We have committed to a range of initiatives under the National Partnership Agreement on Preventive Health – the largest investment an Australian government has ever made in health prevention.
The aims of the National Health Reform Agreement are consistent with tackling differences in health services and outcomes:
- improving the efficiency of public hospitals – using activity-based funding based on a national efficient price;
- standards of clinical care through the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care;
- local accountability and responsiveness to communities’ needs by establishing Local Hospital Networks and Medicare Locals; and
- providing GP and primary health care services by developing an integrated primary health care system.
Primary health care reform
Our reforms within primary health care aim to shift the centre of gravity from hospitals.
This includes fast-tracking reforms to GP after-hours primary health care services, and bringing forward more Medicare Locals.
Medicare Locals are particularly significant for allied health professionals, focusing as they do on local communities’ health care needs.
Patients will benefit from a smoother transition, in and out of hospital, and by receiving the right care, in the right place, at the right time. That’s medicine working as a team.
The AHPA will have an important role – working with the Government, Local Hospital Networks and Medicare Locals to establish effective collaborations and to support allied health professionals developing local networks.
Allied health professionals continue to be involved in e-health – an important element of national health reform. Working with AHPA, we have invested significantly in research to better understand the position and readiness of allied health professionals for e-health.
We have published a landmark study on the readiness for e-health of more than one thousand allied health professionals.
GP Super Clinics
Allied health professionals, as part of primary health care teams including GPs and nurses, will have opportunities through GP Super Clinics to provide integrated, multidisciplinary primary health care services to local communities in one location.
Incentives are available for allied health services to relocate to newly-opened GP Super Clinics – discounts on rent, centralised administration services and IT support.
At the end of January, nurses and allied health professionals were providing services for about one-third of the presentations at operational GP Super Clinics.
A number of clinics offer preventative health services – lifestyle modification programs, women’s health services, diabetes clinics and smoking cessation programs. Good health requires collaboration across the sectors.
Health workforce
The future contribution of allied health professionals to the health system is also being taken into account in planning of the health workforce.
Health Workforce Australia (HWA) is doing this through four main areas: workforce planning, policy and research; clinical education; innovation and reform of the health workforce; and the recruitment and retention of international health professionals.
In 2012, HWA will begin National Training Plan Mark 2. This will analyse, in selected groups of allied health professionals, how future workforce demand for these professions up to 2025 will be affected by improved workforce retention, increased productivity and innovative health reform measures.
HWA will also start work shortly on projects which seek to look at the role of allied health professionals in a variety of settings.
Let me finish with another story.
In 2009, US Airways flight 1549 took off from La Guardia airport in New York.[2] It was an Airbus 320, with 2 engines. About 90 seconds after takeoff, it struck a flight of Canadian geese. At least 3 geese (weighing around 5kg apiece) went into each engine. Both stopped.
Now all of you know what happened next. The plane, piloted by 57 year-old Captain Sullenberger, glided for 3½ minutes before landing safely in the Hudson river. All 155 people on board survived. It is the most successful ditching in aviation history.
In the press write-up afterwards, the focus was on the pilot. He had flown gliders for the air force, and the media saw him as the hero of the moment. Captain Sullenberger was phoned by President Obama. Every TV talkshow wanted to feature him.
Yet the story is actually one of teamwork. When crash investigators look at aircraft disasters, a common theme is a failure to work together. In the case of Flight 1549, cockpit voice recorders show that success occurred because the pilot, co-pilot and 3 flight attendants worked together. For those crucial 3½ minutes as the pilot turned the plane past Manhattan skyscrapers, the co-pilot made preparations for landing, and worked to restart both engines. The flight attendants got the passengers into brace position, and made sure they were ready to don their life jackets. 155 lives were saved that day not because of a great pilot, but because of a great team.
As allied health professionals, you are committed to primary health care and to improving the health of patients.
I leave you with this key challenge: engage with the health reforms; take up the opportunities offered by eHealth; and finally, establish links with the key organisations in your local area, particularly Medicare Locals, but also more broadly with other primary health care organisations like GP Super Clinics and individual health care providers. Success in healthcare, as in so many other areas of life, is about making great teams even better.
[1] Markus Thalmann, Ernst Trampitsch, Norbert Haberfellner, Elisabeth Eisendle, Raimund Kraschl, Georg Kobinia, 'Resuscitaton in near drowning with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation', Annals of Thoracic Surgery 2001 72: 607-608. Cited in Atul Gawande, The Checklist Manifesto, Macmillan, New York, 2009.
[2] As told in Atul Gawande, The Checklist Manifesto, Macmillan, New York, 2009.
Aranda Ambling
With Chris Bourke MLA, I had the pleasure today of launching the gorgeous Frost Hollow to Forest Walk for the Friends of Aranda Bushland (more details here). Here's a picture of me with FOAB stalwart Jean Geue.
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ABC 24 Capital Hill - 29 March
I was on ABC 24's Capital Hill program yesterday evening with Liberal MP Russell Broadbent, hosted by Lyndal Curtis. Topics discussed include the Gillard Government's announcement of superfast broadband for 3.5 million homes and businesses, as well as budget priorities.
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Sky AM Agenda - 29 March
I was on the Sky News AM Agenda program this morning with Liberal MP Kelly O'Dwyer, hosted by Kieran Gilbert. We discussed the Gillard Government's commitment to delivering a budget surplus and the values driving budget decisions, such as a commitment to a fair health system.
Mapping the Northside
Next Tuesday, we'll be launching the final 'people's map' of the northside of Canberra. Details on the BAC website (and below).
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Tuesday 3 April > 6:00pm
In 2011, Belconnen Arts Centre and Andrew Leigh MP ran a joint project: ‘Mapping The Northside’. Come along and hear about the 160 favourite places of the many local residents who participated. Learn about the special natural, cultural, gastronomical and sporting spots, and find out the most popular place in the federal electorate of Fraser. The event will feature live music and light refreshments.
Cost > Free! Bookings recommended
More information & bookings > [email protected] or 02 6173 3300
Belconnen Community Forum
I held one of my regular community forums at lunchtime today at the Belconnen Community Services theaterette ('theatre@bcs'). I started off speaking about the mining tax package, which has just passed the parliament, and will provide for a cut to the company tax rate, an increase in superannuation, and more investment (particularly in the mining regions).
There were a wide variety of questions, covering the Gonski review of school funding, local arts facilities, the National Disability Insurance Scheme, refugee policy, the purchase of submarines, the lack of a letterbox at the Kangara Waters community, defence force and public service pension indexation, the adequacy of footpaths in the city centre, the merits of taking on debt to pay for fiscal stimulus, the frequency of grass cutting, household assistance in the carbon pricing plan, and the effect of federal pension increases on ACT public housing costs.
I enjoy the interplay of ideas at these forums, and welcome anyone who lives or works on the northside of Canberra to come along to a future community forum.
This forum was held on a weekday lunchtime, but there's no perfect time of the day for a community forum, so I aim to vary the dates and times to allow as many people as possible to attend. For details of upcoming forums, click here.http://www.youtube.com/v/1Wnv1_Viur0?version=3&hl=en_GB
AYAD Farewell Speech - 21 March 2012
I had the pleasure of farewelling the Australian Youth Ambassadors for Development in the foyer of the High Court of Australia on Wednesday night. Here's an audio file of my speech.
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Better Regulating Financial Advice
A bill regulating financial advice passed the House of Representatives today. Due to a bit of a fillibuster by the Coalition, I ended up not speaking in the debate, but I thought I'd post my speech here.
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Corporations Amendment (Future of Financial Advice) Bill 2011
The collapse of Opes Prime and Storm Financial affected thousands of Australians, each one a story of betrayal and loss. I want to share just two.
In February 2008, Tracey Richards went to see her Storm Financial planner. Instead of withdrawing money to buy a motorhome, she was persuaded to borrow another $200,000 and invest more deeply in the share market. For the Brisbane receptionist, this was her third big margin loan investment through Storm. The first investment in 2001 was her life savings of $250,000, with another $400,000 later added from the sale of her home.
Now all is gone.
In its place was a debt of $300,000 Tracey could not repay. A mother of three, Tracey wondered how on a salary of $45,000 she received a $1.48 million margin loan from Macquarie Bank with an annual interest bill of $115,000. She became suicidal.
Eileen Miller was another victim of the Storm collapse. In 2006, Eileen and her daughter visited a financial advisor hoping to invest the nest egg left by her husband, who died of cancer in 2005. Having left her the house, two thirds of a boat and $300,000 in cash, Eileen’s daughter made it clear, ''The house was not to be at risk under any circumstances”.
In time, documents were put in front of Eileen to sign.
Eileen remembers receiving no explanation of what she was signing, and as a result, she ended up borrowing $750,000 secured against the house. Most of this went into a margin loan with Macquarie Bank, with the financial advisor was paid an unknown portion as commission.
When the financial crisis struck, the advisor called Eileen and her daughter in for a meeting. He told them “the stock market has gone down; I thought it would come back but everything's gone”. The cash was gone, the boat was gone and she was in danger of losing the last substantial thing she owned. Her house - a comfortable but modest weatherboard cottage.
Eileen, Tracey and the thousands of others who were ‘Stormified’ show us financial advisors have a responsibility to their clients. If financial advisors are charging on-going fees for their advice it is only reasonable and fair they remain in regular contact with their clients.
A person’s lifetime savings are too important. They are about securing dignity in retirement. Ensuring Australians are able to enjoy their retirement and live comfortably without having to worry about being able to pay the bills.
The Labor Party has a proud tradition of being the workers party. We are the party that looks after consumers. Labor introduced the Prices Justification Act in 1973, the Trade Practices Act in 1974, the National Competition Policy on 29 March 1995, and has a tradition of looking after consumers to protect Australians from unconscionable business practices.
This Bill is part of that tradition because good government involves the economic and the social. They are not mutually exclusive and the Labor Party understands this. This is why we introduced the Superannuation Guarantee in 1992. Addressing the Australian Graduate School of Management in 1991, Paul Keating outlined his vision for a national, privately based superannuation scheme.
He said:
“Unless we can move we will put the Commonwealth Government aged pension scheme under unbearable stress and condemn an entire generation of elderly people to an unsatisfactory and poor provided retirement. A system of more adequate private provision of retirement income sympathetically interfaced with the public pensions system will not only better provide for the aged, but is more likely to preserve the dignity and independence each has enjoyed in their pre-retirement years.
It will make Australia a more equal place, a more egalitarian place, and, hence, a more cohesive and happier place. It is the safety net most Australians will need when they retire”.
Those opposite have always stood against superannuation reforms. The Liberal and National parties opposed the first 3 per cent of award based superannuation and then went on to opposed the second 3 per cent. When Prime Minister Keating moved to introduce a superannuation guarantee levy Wilson Tuckey drew on his ‘long history in the racing industry’ to compare the legislation to the ‘worst type of jockey … both stupid and dishonest.’
Mr Tuckey continued: ‘When the poor old employer levy gets to 12 per cent, what will it deliver? Luckily, it might deliver an overseas holiday and a few presents for the kids, but it will not deliver a retirement income at the inflated costs of those days.’
Minister Shorten has demonstrated a 12 per cent superannuation guarantee will provide a worker now aged 30 on average full-time wages with a real retirement benefit of over $553,000 at age pension age. That should leave some change after the ‘overseas holiday and a few presents for the kids.’
Today the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia calculates $1.3 trillion of assets are in superannuation funds. Treasury forecasts estimate this will grow to between $3-5 trillion by 2025.
More than tripling today’s funds. To boost superannuation savings for low-income earners we have also introduced the Low Income Superannuation Contribution.
For Australians earning less than $37,000 a year, this will help ensure they effectively pay no tax on their superannuation. This will benefit up to 3.6million low-income earners. This alone will boost the superannuation savings of over 2.1 million women by $500 million in 2013-14 alone.
Roy Morgan estimates 2.2 million fund members pay commissions or ongoing fees for financial advice they do not receive. The opt-in provisions in this Bill prevent superannuation savings from erosion by paying ongoing fees without a person’s consent. This Bill ensures that financial advisors do not charge ongoing, open-ended fees where a client is receiving little or no service.
It is about instilling greater confidence and trust in financial services. It is about providing greater consumer protection. It is about improving professional standards, transparency for clients and the regulatory powers of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.
The opt-in provisions will only apply to new clients from 1 July 2012. Even then, only if an advisor is intending to charge ongoing advice fees will they need to provide notice. One-off transaction fees and ongoing payments for advice already provided do not apply to this Bill. If an advisor is already seeing a client at least every two years, the opt-in provisions will not be a cost burden.
However, the Financial Planning Association of Australia opposes the opt-in provisions. They talk of their administrative burdens and costs. But what about Australians who are burdened with fees for administration they don’t use, advice they don’t receive and ongoing costs that negatively impact on their retirement savings? It is a simple matter of priorities with a simple answer. The retirement savings of Australians come first.
The Industry Super Network agrees. They understand the opt-in provisions protect against replicating trail commissions. In their words, ‘it is inconceivable an advisor does not have to provide any disclosure of ongoing fees beyond the initial engagement’. Australians should be aware of the fees paid from of their superannuation investments.
Good advice and knowledge regarding superannuation is highly valued by the community. A campaign I ran in my electorate addressed the issue of lost superannuation. Together with Chris Bourke MLA, the campaign let Canberrans know how to find their lost superannuation. Lost superannuation is a particular problem in postcode 2615. In suburbs like Dunlop, Holt, Flynn, Melba, Spence and Macgregor – there is $45 million in lost superannuation. We launched the campaign to let Canberrans know about the ATO SuperSeeker website and the hotline number (13 28 65).
In Civic, we chatted to a part-time actor, who had recently found $6,000 in lost superannuation from a previous job. In Kippax, we met Kevin Rourke, who had read about our campaign in the Northside Chronicle. Kevin logged on to our laptop on Saturday and found lost superannuation for a job he had as a panel beater in the mid-1980s. The employer had died and Kevin had not known which superannuation fund he had put the money in. However, thanks to the ATO’s SuperSeeker website, Kevin has been reunited with his retirement savings from a quarter of a century ago.
Every Australian who receives financial advice should be able to trust that advice with confidence. Improving professional standards and increased transparency provide greater protection of a precious investment grown over a lifetime. This Government does not think it is OK for Tracey Richards to be told by her former adviser, “Ignore the margin calls; don't even talk to the bank; I'm your financial adviser, I'm taking care of it."
Or that Eileen Miller with, by her own admission, little financial literacy was left to trust her financial advisor would look after her.
The Leader of the Opposition once called Labor’s superannuation guarantee ‘a con job’. Those opposite have been fundamentally uninterested in superannuation. In not supporting this Bill, they again show they are fundamentally uninterested in the Australian people.
When Bob Hawke took office in 1983, just 40 per cent of the workforce had superannuation cover. By 1991, it was 72 per cent. In 2007, it was 94 per cent. Australians have more money invested in managed funds per capita than any other economy. Upfront fee agreements are standard business practice.
When you pay a plumber; electrician; your accountant; even your gym membership the fee is disclosed up front - you receive a quote. If additional fees are to be charged, they let you know why and what for. Typically, consent is given by a person’s signature. It is remarkable this practice has met such resistance by some in the finance services sector and the Opposition.
This Bill empowers Australians to act in their financial best interests. It is wrong that 2.2 million Australians pay commissions and fees for advice they never receive. Retiring with dignity after a lifetime’s effort and contribution is not a luxury for the few. Thanks to vision and courage of Labor governments, it is the entitlement of many.