Round 3 of the Stronger Communities Grants Program has opened!

Expressions of interest are open now for the third round of grants in the Stronger Communities Program.

If you have a project that will increase community participation and contribute to the vibrancy and vitality of Canberra's Northside, a Stronger Communities grant could help make it a reality.

Grants of between $2,500 and $20,000 are available for small capital works projects that meet the goals of the program and can show matched contributions (in cash or in kind) on at least a dollar for dollar basis.

Spread the word. You'll get a sense of the scope of the program from the details below. A link to a more detailed overview of the program can be found at the end of this page.

I'm looking forward to supporting some great community building projects again in this round. Please get in touch with my office if you want to discuss the program in more detail.


The deadline for submissions is 7 September 2017.

Key aspects of this funding program:

  • MPs will establish a community consultation committee to undertake consultation in their electorate to identify eligible projects and invite applicants to apply.
  • Local government and incorporated not-for-profit organisations are eligible to apply.
  • Grants of between $2,500 and up to a maximum of $20,000 are available.
  • Applicants are required to confirm matched funding in cash or in-kind on at least a dollar-for-dollar basis.
  • You'll need to give a budget and plan for how you will carry our the project.
  • Funding of $150,000 per electorate per year will be allocated for successful applications.

To get you thinking, here are some examples of the kinds of project the grants would support:

  • construction and fit-out of men’s sheds
  • fit-out of community centres, health centres including kitchen upgrades and equipment purchases such as computers, TVs and furniture and fittings
  • sporting facility upgrades including new scoreboards, seating, new turf, fit-out out of changes rooms, new canteen, new lights, upgrade water systems, gymnasiums, skate parks
  • streetscapes
  • bike paths
  • purchase of equipment for local SES.

Here are some further guidelines that will help you work out if your project is eligible for a grant:

To be eligible for funding an Applicant must have an Australian Business Number (ABN) and be one of the following:

  • a local government agency or body
  • a not-for-profit organisation that is a legal entity; or
  • a trustee on behalf of a property trust with responsibility for a community asset.

The following organisations are not eligible for funding:

  • a for-profit organisation;
  • an individual;
  • a partnership;
  • a Commonwealth government agency or body;
  • a university, technical college, school or hospital; or
  • a Regional Development Australia Committee

To be eligible for funding a project must:

  • be for capital purchases/activities; and
  • contribute to an improvement in local community participation and cohesion and contribute to the vibrancy and viability of the community o claims against this requirement must be described.
  • scheduled for completion by 30 June 2018

The following items are considered to be ineligible for funding:

  • expenditure incurred prior to the announcement that the project has been successful in its application for funding;
  • provision of services and support activities;
  • payment of salaries for existing staff or contractors;
  • recurring or ongoing expenditure (eg annual maintenance);
  • projects that seek funding to stage events, exhibit a display or for filming;
  • projects to undertake studies or investigations;
  • purchase of land or buildings; or
  • projects that involve the development of private or commercial ventures including licensed areas of registered clubs

This grant program is administered by the Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development, the departmental guidelines can be found here.

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  • Andrew Leigh
    published this page in What's New 2017-07-20 13:59:17 +1000

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Cnr Gungahlin Pl and Efkarpidis Street, Gungahlin ACT 2912 | 02 6247 4396 | [email protected] | Authorised by A. Leigh MP, Australian Labor Party (ACT Branch), Canberra.