Local manufacturer reduces emissions, cuts power bills

I was pleased to announce today that a local company received funding under the Clean Technology Investment Program to reduce their energy use and power bills.

Andrew Leigh MP

Member for Fraser

14 November 2012


$90 945 from the Gillard’s Government’s $1 billion Clean Technology Investment will help Elvin Group, a local manufacturer based in Mitchell, to reduce energy costs, improve efficiency and lower carbon pollution.

Andrew Leigh, Member for Fraser, congratulated Elvin Group for preparing for a clean energy future by transforming its operations to reduce energy emissions and improve its competitiveness.

“In partnership with the Gillard Government, Elvin Group will be able reduce carbon emissions of the energy consumed by its operation by 26 per cent,” said Dr Leigh.

“This grant will go towards installing a 55 kW solar photovoltaic panel array on the roof of its Mitchell facility to generate electricity to provide some of the site’s power requirements.

“Elvin Group is matching the Government’s investment with around $90 000 of its own funding.

“The Clean Technology Investment Programs are about helping local manufacturers invest in clean energy. They are an important part of the Australian Government’s plan for a Clean Energy Future.

“It’s a win for business, the economy and the environment.

“The Clean Technology Programs are open for business and I encourage more local manufacturers to apply for support.”

The grant was one of 89 announced recently by Minister for Industry and Innovation, Greg Combet.

“The $800 million Clean Technology Investment Program and the $200 million Clean Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program are in place to support manufacturers,” Dr Leigh said.

For more information, companies should contact AusIndustry on 13 28 46 or visit the website – www.ausindustry.gov.au.

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Cnr Gungahlin Pl and Efkarpidis Street, Gungahlin ACT 2912 | 02 6247 4396 | [email protected] | Authorised by A. Leigh MP, Australian Labor Party (ACT Branch), Canberra.