May 25, 2017
Contact: Nick Terrell
0487 388 763

Reconnected Victoria - Social Capital conversation

The Hon Dr Andrew Leigh MP

Shadow Assistant Treasurer | Shadow Minister for Competition and Productivity

Shadow Minister for Charities and Not-for-Profits | Shadow Minister for Trade In Services | Member for Fenner

Reconnected Sector Consultation - Melbourne Multicultural Hub 28 April 2017



  • Cooperatives and networks aren’t known and accessible to others, making collaboration and resource sharing difficult
  • Would like to see increased connectivity and strengthen networks between sector and non-sector actors to tap into shared resources and feedback from clients and consumer groups, such as:
  1. Greater information sharing through ACNC on who is doing what
  2. Creation of a tool/app to find where other relevant actors are
  • Would like time, space and resources to network and connect
  • Assistance in development of digital platform to:


  1. Facilitate telling personal stories
  2. Fundraising and finding grants
  3. Mailing lists



Experience sharing and learning

  • Facilitation of information and expertise sharing between business and NFP sectors
  • Support and facilitate partnerships and collaboration between service providers, researchers and think
  • Removing red tape for resource sharing
  • Need to create space for mentors to participate that may not want to be ‘part of’ an organisation


Funding and local support

  • Federal seed funding for locally-based initiatives
  • Useful to focus on deliverables as opposed to funding positions
  • Minimum five year financing
  • Face-to-face reporting
  • Streamlined funding-reporting system
  • Provide resources through ACNC to help measure outcomes to ensure they’re relevant and realistic
  • Better partnership arrangements with local governments
  • Can play a greater role in connecting actors
  • Encouraging ‘peppercorn’ rental arrangements
  • Shared facilities model (physical space, administrative systems)
  • Inclusion of social contact hours as part of service delivery and value
  • Build capacity of organisations to become financially sustainable or independent
  • Develop profitable activities to subsidise non-profitable parts of NFP


Volunteering and human capital

  • Individuals empowered at local level who can facilitate and coordinate social capital building in organisations
  • Structure activities that give volunteers a sense of ownership
  • Training for organisations to better identify how to harness volunteers and match them to organisational objectives
  • Need methodologies to investigate how volunteers contribute and harness their strengths
  • Corporate volunteering not always matching needs
  • Industry not always sure how to find places to donate their skilled volunteers
  • Incorporating skills building into volunteering activities



  • Funding support to receive up to date service information, not just report it
  • Support small service providers and educators that understand how service will be delivered in local context
  • Creation of a NFPs payments platform to reduce transaction costs
  • Creation of a shared administrative support model
  • Incentives to innovate need to work on a local scale as innovation occurs on this scale



  • Combination of effective use of social media and small number of physical meet ups for ‘real life’ connection
  • Need to use communication technology to effectively increase input by younger generations
  • Harnessing stories of those with relevant lived experience to humanise service


What aspects could work across diverse situations?

  • ‘Innovation’ can be a buzzword and can detract from core business. Often there is no need to reinvent the wheel, but valuing honest evaluation and improving existing strong initiatives
  • Improving information sharing between generations
  • Matchmaking resource tool to better connect resources to who needs them
  • Mobile and flexible funding structures
  • Recognition and celebration of NFPs as second largest sector in Australia
  • Discretionary funding component to tailor to specific personnel needs



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Cnr Gungahlin Pl and Efkarpidis Street, Gungahlin ACT 2912 | 02 6247 4396 | [email protected] | Authorised by A. Leigh MP, Australian Labor Party (ACT Branch), Canberra.