Fenner Lecture 2022: Alan Duffy on the Science of Sci Fi

Every year I host the Fenner Lecture, featuring an exceptional speaker to give a free public lecture that inspires interest in science, particularly among young people. This year, Professor Alan Duffy, an astronomer at Swinburne University and Director of the Space Technology and Industry Institute, will be joining us to talk about the Science of Sci Fi.

Alan investigates how galaxies form, the nature of dark matter, the large-scale properties of the Universe, big data, AI and alien worlds. He also is bugged by the fact that most dogfighting games don’t let you shoot backwards from a spacecraft (Why? You’ll have to come along to find out).

Alan believes science fiction is fantastic for science – it allows us to explore ideas, better understanding the science by having explorers and visionaries take us to the very limits of our science. It engages the public in the wonderful potential of science. It lets us meet aliens, fight dogs in spaceships and reach the corners of the galaxy from the comfort of our home on earth. He is passionate about communicating science to people in a way that is accessible, engaging and inspiring. This is an opportunity to engage young people and to show them that science is fun.

This event will be held in accordance with the ACT COVID Safe Event Protocols.

As always, this will be a free and public event with priority given to secondary school students. Please arrive at 5pm for a 5.30pm start.

Please feel free to distribute to your networks and RSVP early to ensure you can get a place. My office can assist with working through any logistical issues, or if you would like to organise a group to come along.

April 27, 2022 at 5:00pm - 6:30pm
Gungahlin College Theatre
23 Gozzard St
Gungahlin, ACT 2912
Google map and directions
Andrew Leigh · · 6247 4396

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Cnr Gungahlin Pl and Efkarpidis Street, Gungahlin ACT 2912 | 02 6247 4396 | [email protected] | Authorised by A. Leigh MP, Australian Labor Party (ACT Branch), Canberra.