Some links that have caught my fancy lately:
- A very funny speech by Kevin Rudd at the Woodford folk festival
- Some cautionary tales about microcredit
- Can pork-barrelling be kosher? (A neat idea, but I wasn't persuaded)
- My friend Dan Andrews cautions about the impact of cutting UK housing benefits will have on economic growth
- Which places in the US have the highest rate of UFO sightings per capita?
- Christopher Joye takes issue with an AFR piece of mine on inequality, and sparks responses from Matt Cowgill and Club Troppo
- A new paper on top incomes and economic growth (darn those journal publication lags)
- Don Fullerton on distributional effects of environmental policies
- Does stronger party allegiance move voters away from the centre?
- Jonathan Pryke on foreign aid effectiveness
- And lastly, thanks to Steve Blume for alerting me to an interesting Center for American Progress Report that probably influenced Obama's State of the Union address (but seems to forget Paul Krugman's warnings about the sloppy thinking inherent in 'international competitiveness')
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