What are the Coalition hiding?

Andrew Leigh MP
Labor Spokesperson on Coalition Costings
Member for Fraser
12 March 2013

The Australian people have a right to see the Coalition’s costed policies, said Labor Spokesperson on Coalition Costings Andrew Leigh.

In a doorstop interview this morning, Opposition frontbencher Scott Morrison said “we’re obsessed with putting our plans and policies to the Australian people to ensure that if we are elected later this year we are ready to hit the ground running”.

“If the Coalition’s policies are as good for Australia as they claim, they shouldn't be hidden in Andrew Robb’s desk drawer”, said Dr Leigh.

“The fact is, the Opposition are obsessed with keeping their policies secret. That’s because they know that filling their $70 billion costings gap will require radical cuts – equivalent to stopping Medicare for four years or cutting the pension for two years.

“The Opposition aren’t even sharing their policies with each other. That’s why the Opposition Leader has had three positions on WestConnex in a single week; why Mr Abbott and Mr Hockey disagree on how much they will cut household assistance; and why Mr Hockey and Mr Robb cannot agree on their revenue gap.

“Providing costed policies to the Australian people is a fundamental issue of openness and honesty. If the Coalition cannot level with Australians about their cuts, why should Australians trust them to govern in the national interest?”


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Cnr Gungahlin Pl and Efkarpidis Street, Gungahlin ACT 2912 | 02 6247 4396 | [email protected] | Authorised by A. Leigh MP, Australian Labor Party (ACT Branch), Canberra.