I'm speaking at the University of Canberra on 1 August, on the topic 'The Naked Truth? Media and Politics in the Digital Age'. Details below.
'Challenge Your Mind' University of Canberra Public Lecture Series:
'The Naked Truth? Media and Politics in the Digital Age'
Event details:
Date: Wednesday, 1 August 2012
Time: 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
UC Location: Ann Harding Centre, Building 24, University of Canberra
URL: http://challengeyourmind.eventbrite.com.au
About the Talk: Has the media cycle become a cyclone? Are dead-tree publications being crowded out by Twitter? How should politicians and journalists who want a serious conversation about ideas respond to the technological changes of our age? Dr Leigh will speak about these challenges, and discuss with the audience how we can work together to forge a healthier civic conversation.
About the Speaker: Dr Leigh was elected as the Federal Member for Fraser in 2010. Prior to this, he was a professor of economics at the Australian National University. Dr Leigh has written extensively on a range of subjects including eduation, taxation and social policy. He also writes regularly for the Australian press. Dr Leigh holds a PhD in public policy from Harvard, having graduated from the University of Sydney with first class honours in Law and Arts. He has previously worked as a lawyer (including a stint as associate to former High Court Justice Michael Kirby), and as a principal adviser to the Australian Treasury. Dr Leigh is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Social Sciences, and in 2011 received the 'Young Economist Award', a prize given every two years by the Economics Society of Australia to the best Australian economist under 40.
Register by Monday 30th July at http://challengeyourmind.eventbrite.com.au
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