A Selection of Parliamentary Valentines

I only started it an hour ago, but here are a few of my favourite parliamentary Valentines so far.

  • @Jovianshadow Simon Ray: The Senate is red, the House is green, you're the sweetest, I ever seen.

  • @laurie_ms Lauren W: You're a perfectly drafted bill

  • @xx_Alexandra Alex: You can cross my floor any day.

  • @ewing Robert Ewing: My love for you will never be challenged.

  • @John_Hanna John Hanna: You Ring My Bells.

  • @Bubuhelen Helen Tudor: It may be a hung parliament but I'm hung up on you.

  • @gagewrites Benjamin Gage: You're my Light on the Hill.

  • @BronwynHinz Bronwyn Hinz: Meeting you made me a True Believer

  • @bcagney Bradley Cagney: you are the apple of my 'aye'

  • @Drag0nista Drag0nista: You had me at Order!

  • @leoniedoyle Leonie Doyle: Lock the doors

Update, Sunday:

  • @kpgriffin Kevin Griffin: You are the rungs in my ladder of opportunity.

  • @joshgans Joshua Gans: Well may we say God save the Queen because nothing will change how I feel about you.

  • @fairerfields peter mott: You and I make are meant to be that even Tony Abbott would grant me a pair

  • @BartholomewD Di. Human, not dog: You make the party room the party room

  • @SpaceKidette Space Kidette: I heard my maiden speech & then came question time.Come to the party room and be my valentine?

  • @steveandhens Steve C: This is awkward. I expected a mandate.

And there are a few more that aren't quite suitable for a family-oriented blog.

Got more? Tweet them at #AusPolValentines.

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Cnr Gungahlin Pl and Efkarpidis Street, Gungahlin ACT 2912 | 02 6247 4396 | [email protected] | Authorised by A. Leigh MP, Australian Labor Party (ACT Branch), Canberra.