Better evidence for better policy making - Media Release

Today, I will travel to the United Kingdom to discuss rigorous policy evaluation with experts and policymakers.

Rigorous policy evaluation is an important tool for creating opportunity and addressing inequality. The meetings will be a valuable chance to exchange ideas with a jurisdiction that has been a leader in the field of evidence-based policymaking.

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4CA Cairns with Murray Jones - Transcript

SUBJECTS: Food and Grocery Code, CHOICE report, Supermarket Competition

MURRAY JONES (HOST): The Assistant Minister for Competition, Charities and Treasury, Assistant Minister for Employment as well, Dr Andrew Leigh, joins me this morning. Good morning, Andrew. How are you?

ANDREW LEIGH: Very well, Murray, great to be with you.

JONES: Nice to talk to you. Let's talk a little bit more about some of the concerns that have come out, obviously, when it comes to the cost of living, the cost for consumers and them feeling like they've been misled by some of the biggest players when it comes to supermarkets. But they're also very aware of the impact on the employees and the impact on some of the suppliers as well, particularly when it comes to some of the contracting arrangements. Let's talk about some of the issues that have come out in the short term, particularly in relation to people getting screwed all over, except for the main players, the shareholders, it seems.

LEIGH: Yeah, I mean, the ACCC report is a really important one. It's the first deep dive into the supermarket sector that the competition watchdog has done in 16 years. It attracted more responses to its survey than any other report that the competition watchdog has done. It raises issues around the market power of the large suppliers, around the transparency of prices. It makes clear that the two majors have 67% of the market, a very high market share and higher than in many other countries. And also notes that over the last five years, food and grocery prices have risen faster than prices on average in the economy.

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The Guardian Podcast with Karen Middleton


SUBJECTS: Food and Grocery Code, Negative Gearing, National Competition Policy, Divestiture, Multinational Tax Reform, Census

KAREN MIDDLETON (HOST): Hi, I'm Karen Middleton, Guardian Australia's Political Editor coming to you from the lands of the Ngunnawal and Ngambri peoples.

Today on Australian politics I'm speaking with Andrew Leigh, Assistant Minister for Competition, Charities and Employment. We're talking supermarket prices and how the system is allowing Coles and Woolworths to flourish at the expense of competitors, and sometimes also the rest of us.

We'll look at the case for more transparency in their practices and what's causing higher prices and limiting options for shopping around.

We'll also talk about housing and why we can't seem to discuss negative gearing, and because he also oversees the Census, I'll ask about that controversy over questions and what happened.

Andrew Leigh, thanks for joining us.

ANDREW LEIGH: Such a pleasure, Karen, thank you.

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ABC Canberra Drive with Ross Solly - 27 September - Transcript

SUBJECTS: ACCC Report, CHOICE Report, Food and Grocery Code, Divestiture, National Competition Policy, AFL Grandfinal

ROSS SOLLY: Earlier this week, Andrew Leigh and I stood cheek by jowl expressing our Oreo outrage when we discussed that Oreos were leading the charge in terms of items that were being bumped up to ridiculous price levels by supermarkets as part of their campaign. Now, today, Andrew Leigh, the Assistant Minister for Competition, Charities and Treasury, released an interim report from the ACCC into the supermarkets. And look, it basically confirmed everything that we might have already known. Andrew Leigh joins us on the program. Good to have you on the show, Andrew Leigh.

ANDREW LEIGH: Thanks, Ross, great to be back with you. Now, I was in a supermarket this afternoon and I saw Oreos that were half price. I nearly picked you up a pack.

SOLLY: Isn't that amazing? Andrew Leigh, who says that the radio has no power anymore.

LEIGH: Exactly. I think the Canberra supermarkets are listening.

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Mornings with Gary Adshead - Transcript

SUBJECTS: ACCC Report, CHOICE Report, Merger Reform, National Competition Policy, Food and Grocery Code, Negative Gearing

GARY ADSHEAD (HOST): Dr Andrew Leigh, Assistant Minister for Competition, joins me on the line now. Thanks very much for your time, Andrew.

ANDREW LEIGH: Pleasure Gary, great to be with you.

ADSHEAD: All right, I said it. They've been in under the gun. I mean, we now know that the ACCC are considering Coles and Woolworths to be part of an oligopoly. Can you tell us why that shouldn't be of concern?

LEIGH: Well, we do have a very concentrated supermarket sector, Gary. The report finds that 67% of the market's controlled by Coles and Woolies, with ALDI having another 9%. That's more concentrated than many other in the world, which is why our supermarkets deserve an extra level of scrutiny from other sectors in the economy.

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Doorstop - 27 September - Canberra

SUBJECTS: ACCC Report, CHOICE report, Divestiture, Supermarket Competition, Cost of Living, Food and Grocery Code, Inflation, Gambling Ads

ANDREW LEIGH: Thanks very much everyone for coming along today. My name's Andrew Leigh, Assistant Minister for Competition, Charities, Treasury and Employment.

The Albanese Government wants to see a fair deal for families and a fair deal for farmers. That's why we're doing all we can to ensure that the supermarket sector is held to account. Today, I'm pleased to be releasing the ACCC's interim supermarkets report. This is the first deep dive into the supermarkets that the competition watchdog has done in 16 years. The report received some 80 submissions and the public survey that was opened received over 20,000 responses from the Australian public. That's the biggest response to any survey that the ACCC has ever done, and it reflects the very strong concern among Australians about supermarket pricing and about farmers getting a fair deal.

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Release of ACCC report into supermarkets - Media Release

The Albanese Labor Government is committed to ensuring Australians are paying a fair price for their groceries and our farmers are getting a fair price for their hard work, with the Government today releasing the ACCC’s Supermarkets Inquiry Interim Report.

When families are doing it tough, they need a Government that's on their side and a tough consumer cop on the beat – and that’s the important role the ACCC is playing.

In January, the Albanese Government tasked the ACCC to look into supermarkets, and today the Government has released the ACCC’s Supermarkets Inquiry Interim Report, which explores in detail issues including concentration and competition in the sector, rising prices and shrinkflation, supermarket buyer power and other consumer and producer concerns.

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Afternoon briefing with Greg Jennett - 26 September - Transcript

SUBJECTS: CHOICE, Supermarket Competition, Competition Policy Agenda, Housing Policy, Negative Gearing, 2026 Census

GREG JENNETT (HOST): Well, Canberra MP Andrew Leigh is a Treasury portfolio Minister carrying responsibilities for competition and charities. In years gone by he was an ardent supporter of removing tax concessions on investment properties. We covered the latest supermarket pricing survey funded by the Government as well as negative gearing when Andrew Leigh joined us here earlier.

Andrew Leigh, thanks for joining us once again on Afternoon Briefing. Now you're out talking today about the supermarket price survey that's been returned by Choice. It again confirms that Aldi comes out somewhat significantly cheaper on a regular basket of goods compared to Woolworths and Coles.

While interesting, this data doesn't seem to be changing pricing behaviour. The Government funds it, but what's its value if it doesn't drive change in pricing by the Big Two?

ANDREW LEIGH: Well the value, Greg, is ensuring people know where to get the best deal, and you know you can walk down the road, and you know how much you're going to save. We're also seeing some shifts from the previous price monitoring report that we funded CHOICE to do. That one said that with specials Woolworths outperformed Coles, now we've got Coles outperforming Woolworths. We want to see that price competition, but we also are putting information into the hands of shoppers so they can get the best deal at the checkout at a time when people are feeling that cost‑of‑living pressure.

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Afternoon Agenda with Tom Connell - 26 September - Transcript

SUBJECTS: CHOICE report, Inflation, Housing Policy, Negative Gearing, Capital Gains

TOM CONNELL (HOST): Joining me live, Assistant Minister for Competition, Charities and Treasury, Andrew Leigh. Thank you for your time.

ANDREW LEIGH: Pleasure, Tom.

CONNELL: Interesting this government funded report, to sort of not compare the pair, but compare the four of them. I found out you like to, you shop around, you go to multiple supermarkets. So, were you not surprised by any of these results?

LEIGH: Well, I was surprised by the quantum of the difference. Aldi comes out well ahead of Coles and Woolworths, and we've also seen that the basket with specials now favours Coles, whereas in the first report it favoured Woolworths. This provides two benefits, Tom. One is that Australians get a sense as to where they get the best deal, so we're saving shoppers money. The other is that it puts competitive pressure on the supermarkets.

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Doorstop - 26 September - Canberra

SUBJECTS: Supermarket Competition, CHOICE report, Cost of Living, Food and Grocery Code, ACCC action, Housing Policy, Capital Gains Tax, Negative Gearing, Competition Policy, Economic Policy, Inflation

ANDREW LEIGH: Good morning. Thanks everyone for coming along. My name's Andrew Leigh, the Assistant Minister for Competition, Charities, Treasury and Employment. I'm delighted to be able to talk to you today about the announcement of CHOICE’s second quarterly grocery price monitoring report.

Labor understands that Australians are doing it tough, and we want to help deal with those cost-of-living pressures. Getting information to the hands of shoppers means people can get the best deal at the checkout and stretch the household budget just a little bit further. And that's why we funded CHOICE, the respected consumer group, to do a shadow shopper exercise, working out the price of a representative basket of groceries at the major supermarket chains. Their first report came out three months ago, and today we've got the results of CHOICE’s second shadow shopper report.

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Cnr Gungahlin Pl and Efkarpidis Street, Gungahlin ACT 2912 | 02 6247 4396 | [email protected] | Authorised by A. Leigh MP, Australian Labor Party (ACT Branch), Canberra.