What do Canberrans Think About Trade Unions?

Over recent months, I've asked Canberrans to fill out my survey on attitudes to trade unions. Over 400 people answered the survey. Here's a rundown of the results.

ACT Role of Unions Survey

1. What is your highest level of education?
No Schooling – 0%
Primary Schooling – 0.23%
Some High School education – 3.26%
Completed High School – 12.59%
Diploma – 16.32%
Bachelors degree – 30.07%
Postgraduate degree- 37.53%

2. Are you currently employed?
Yes- 46.73%
No -53.27%

3. How many jobs do you currently hold?
One- 91%
Two- 6.5%
Three- 2.5%

4. Do you work as a full-time worker or as a part-time worker?
Full-time – 58.71%
Part-time- 41.29%

5. How would you describe your current employment status?
Permanent employee – 60.7%
Casual employee – 11.94%
Fixed-term employee – 7.46%
Independent Contractor – 19.9%

6. In which sector is your primary job?
Agriculture, forestry or fishing – 0.58%
Communications- 5.23%
Construction- 1.74%
Cultural and recreational services – 5.23%
Education- 18.02%
Energy or water – 1.16%
Financial services- 1.74%
Government administration or defense – 32.56%
Health and community services – 22.67%
Hospitality – 1.74%
Manufacturing – 1.74%
Mining- 0.58%
Retail or Wholesale – 4.07%
Transport or storage – 2.91%

7. Are you currently a member of a union?
Yes – 41.95%
No- 58.05%

8. Have you previously been a member of a union?
Yes – 62.39%
No- 37.61%

9. Which union are you a member of? (union members only)
Australian Education Union (AEU) – 5.56%
Australian Nursing Federation (ANF) – 2.78%
Australian Services Union (ASU)- 9.72%
Australian Workers' Union (AWU) – 1.39%
Communications, Electrical and Plumbing Union (CEPU) – 1.39%
Community and Public Service Union (CPSU) – 59.72%
Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU) – 2.78%
National Union of Workers (NUW) – 2.78%
National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) – 8.33%
Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees' Association (SDA) – 2.78%
United Voice – 4.17%

10. What caused you to originally join your union? (union members only)
I had a friend or family member who was involved in a union – 2.33%
I was convinced to join by a colleague or a union representative – 8.14%
My personal values compelled me to join – 80.23%
A union advertising campaign persuaded me to join – 2.33%
A negative experience in my workplace spurred me into joining – 6.98%

11. Do you take an active role in your union? (union members only)
Yes – 45.88%
No- 54.12%

12. Do you feel your efforts make a significant contribution to the union, its positions and its efforts? (union members only)
Yes – 44.19%
No- 23.26%
Unsure – 32.56%

Please rank these aims of unions:

13. Broadly, do you think unions play a significant role in Australian society?
Yes- 88.61%
No- 5.32%
Unsure – 6.08%

14. Do you think their contribution is positive or negative?
Positive – 81.06%
Negative – 7.83%
Unsure – 11.11%

15. Has the union movement's contribution increased or decreased over time?
Increased – 10.13%
Decreased – 71.39%
Unsure – 18.48%

16. Are there significant cultural or workplace pressures dissuading people from joining a union?
Yes – 70.51%
No- 13.59%
Unsure – 15.9%

17. Are you concerned that the Abbott government will attempt to hinder unions' abilities to act on behalf of workers?
Yes – 91.56%
No- 6.14%
Unsure – 2.3%

18. Does the Abbott government's revival of the Australian Building and Construction Commission concern you?
Yes- 63.85%
No- 15.13%
Unsure – 21.03%

19. Have unions effectively taken advantage of new technologies (such as social media and the internet) in recruiting and engaging members and communicating their message?
Yes- 17.69%
No- 32.56%
Unsure- 49.74%

20. The union movement formed the Labor party in the 1890’s in recognition that workers aspirations and issues needed a voice in parliament. In 2013 is the relationship between unions and the Labor Party still the best way for unions to achieve those goals?
Yes- 42.2%
No- 28.39%
Unsure – 29.41%


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Cnr Gungahlin Pl and Efkarpidis Street, Gungahlin ACT 2912 | 02 6247 4396 | [email protected] | Authorised by A. Leigh MP, Australian Labor Party (ACT Branch), Canberra.