
With Valentine's Day 2013 marking precisely seven months to the federal election, I thought it'd be fun to come up with a few #ElectionValentines (in the spirit of the #AuspolValentines tag that I ran on twitter last year).

Just put your message on Twitter with #ElectionValentines, and I'll post the best ones here. Or if you're not on Twitter, put your Election Valentine in the comments below.

And because Valentine's Day is a time of love, no scratchy ones please.

A couple to get you started:

  • You've got my first preference. #ElectionValentines

  • Roses are red, violets are blue. You'll always do better than my number two. #ElectionValentines

  • At the end of the day, you're the only soul that counts. #ElectionValentines

Others have joined in:

  • @mimhoff I am swinging towards you #electionvalentines

  • @paulhoworth let's be each other's caretaker. Period. #electionvalentines

  • @reddishraven My branches were stacked from the moment I met you. You were parachuted into #1 on my ticket... #ElectionValentines

  • @laureningram I'll campaign for your heart #ElectionValentines

  • @BK_Zer0 Will you form a Coalition with me? #ElectionValentines

  • @jack_brady Love early, love often #ElectionValentines

  • @sspencer_63 There's no optional preferential in our relationship, only primary votes. #electionvalentines

  • @P_T_RYAN You hold the balance of power in my heart. #ElectionValentines

  • @chriskkenny: You are my first optional preference #electionvalentines

  • @MrDenmore (Down on one knee). I have a question without notice. #ElectionValentines

  • ‏@ALeighMP You've redistributed my heart to my mouth. #ElectionValentines

  • @trickibee I think we should move from a bicameral system to a single house.

  • @VincoFive Even if I wasn't campaigning I'd want to kiss you, baby.

  • @MrDenmore I can promise you an extended honeymoon period

  • @CCC_ArtsEvents I wanna hold your hansard

  • @DooleyKate After years of donkeys, I prefer you

  • @johnwaynesdukes All my preferences flow to you.

  • @brookewylie "I elect you the representative of my heart"

  • ‏@ange_wilson There's nothing marginal about my love for you

  • @MrDenmore Grow old with me and I'll offer you Veterans Affairs

  • @raymarcelo "Have I polled you lately that I love you?"

  • @richardtuffin There's no division in my heart. Your "eyes" have it!

  • @katinacurtis May our love be as long lasting as the count in a Hare-Clark voting system...

  • @SarahWiley8 You'll always have a safe seat next to me

  • @Elias_Hallaj Will you be the wind beneath my left and right wings?

  • @significance "I may be a donkey, but the Robson rotation has no effect when you're the only candidate for my heart".

  • @BadenKirgan The pendulum has swung.

  • ‏@piedtyper888 You're in like Flynn

  • @Macdonald_Steph A hundred votes would be too few.. to carry all my love for you

  • @swegen31 It's bennelong time since I've felt this way

  • @Cheddared You're a labor of love!

  • @katinacurtis My vote for your heart will always be valid

  • @SarahWiley8 You can be my minister for love

  • @P_T_RYAN Let's pair.

  • @DaniBevins Hey baby, can I have your numbers?

  • @Macdonald_Steph You've captured an overall majority of my heart

  • @TheKouk Dote early and often

  • @laurie_ms I'd live in the other side's safe seat for you

  • @sarahinthesen8 (aka Senator Sarah Hanson-Young) You ring my (Senate) bell

  • @TonyIKnow Q: Did you enjoy dinner? A: Yes. Q: Supplementary question; will you marry me?

  • ‏@imathew Labor's red, Liberal's blue, Greens are green… Nats are, too. Indies are grey, Dems yellow, betcha glad I'm your fellow.

  • @toddkirby I could write a 17 minute speech about why I chose you

  • @fairerfields Not even Estimates could question my love for you.

  • @2FBS Love Me, Love My Man Date #electionvalentines

  • ‏@wgcullen Love me tender, love me true, love me so I'll vote for you

  • @significance let's exchange preferences.

  • @StephenCena If polling be the food of love, give me excess of it

  • @deemadigan How do I love thee? Let me count the votes.

  • @KRuddMP Roses are red, violets are blue. If you don't have a date, Question Time starts at 2 :) KRudd

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    Cnr Gungahlin Pl and Efkarpidis Street, Gungahlin ACT 2912 | 02 6247 4396 | [email protected] | Authorised by A. Leigh MP, Australian Labor Party (ACT Branch), Canberra.